Sprej s hydrofóbnou ochranou na sklá
Sprej s hydrofóbnou ochranou na sklá
Nasiol GLASSHIELD sprej s hydrofóbnou ochranou na sklá vytvorí vodoodpudivú neviditeľnú vrstvu na čelnom skle vozidla, čím zaistí bezpečnejšiu jazdu a jasnú viditeľnosť počas daždivého počasia. Pri kontakte s vodou zmení kvapôčky na drobné guličky, takže v daždivom počasí môžete jazdiť s minimálnym použitím stieračov. Zabezpečí dlhotrvajúci efekt až na 2 roky.
Povrchy, na ktoré je možné aplikovať Nasiol GLASSHIELD:
Technické parametre:
Obsah balenia:
Poznámka: Pred akýmkoľvek umývaním vozidla počkajte 48 hodín. Neaplikujte na vnútorné časti skiel.
Balenie | 50mL |
Aplikácia na povrchy | Čelné sklo Všetky vonkajšie sklá a zrkadlá automobilov |
Maximálna životnosť | 2 roky 45.000 km 80.000 stieraní stieračom |
Chemická odolnosť | 13>pH>1 |
Hydrofóbnosť | |
Odpudzovanie oleja | |
Hrúbka | 75-100nm |
Spotreba na m² | 5mL/m² |
Spotreba | Len čelné sklo : Malé vozidlo (A-B Class) : 5-6mL Stredné vozidlo (C-D Class) : 6-8mL Veľké vozidlo (E Class & SUV) : 8-10mL Celé vozidlo : Malé vozidlo (A-B Class) : 20-25mL Stredné vozidlo (C-D Class) : 30-40mL Veľké vozidlo (E Class & SUV) : 40-50mL Strešné okno : Malé vozidlo (A-B Class) : 15-20mL Stredné vozidlo (C-D Class) : 25-30mL Veľké vozidlo (E Class & SUV) : 35-40mL |
Teplotná odolnosť | 275°C |
Aplikácia pri teplote | 5°C-30°C |
Doba vytvrdzovania | 3 hodiny na dotyk, 24 hodín pre kontakt s vodou |
Skladovacia teplota | -3 ̊C to+30 ̊C |
Trvanlivosť | 2 roky od výroby, 1 týždeň po otvorení fľašky |
Chemická odolnosť
Jednoduché čistenie
Vysoká hydrofóbnosť
Nasiol GlasShield is a glass protection product applied to car windows and windscreen surfaces. It enables the surface to become resistant to scratches, provides it with water and oil repellency, and easy cleaning of tough stains such as bird droppings.
It provides a safer driving experience with improved visibility in rainy conditions and offers up to 2 years of protection in normal conditions.
Nasiol GlasShield is an easy-to-use product thanks to its spray form. For the correct application, read the instructions on the packaging carefully and watch the application video.
Once you have applied Nasiol GlasShield correctly, there is no need for an additional coat. As the surface will already have been covered by the first coat, it is unnecessary to apply the second coat as there will be no additional surface left for Nasiol GlasShield to bond.
No. On the contrary, Nasiol GlasShield may increase fogging when applied to the interior surfaces of car windows.
Nasiol GlasShield has no heat prevention effect. However, it ensures UV resistance.
Nasiol GlasShield will protect the treated glass surfaces against fine scratches. However, it does not protect against breakage and heavy damage.
Nasiol GlasShield cannot be applied to car window films. Films on car windows are plastic based and Nasiol GlasShield only works on glass and ceramic surfaces.
You can obtain detailed information about the product through our official online store ekspermarket.com, or by reaching us via email or phone:
info@nasiol.com, +90 212 670 13 95
Nasiol GlasShield provides durability for up to 2 years or 45,000 kilometers in normal conditions.
An unopened bottle of Nasiol GlasShield can safely be stored for 24 months under the recommended storage conditions. Once the product has been opened and partly used, the bottle should be kept shut tightly and the remaining product should be used within 1 month. For the ideal storage, the ambient temperature should be between -3°C and +30°C.
You can benefit from our private labeling model for the unbranded Nasiol GlasShield, creating your own brand by choosing from the many options we offer you in the catalog we have prepared for this purpose.
Submit your review | |
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First time I have misapplied and the conclude was very terrible. The application is very important for this kind of the products. Now I am so pleased to Glasshield. Thank for everything.
More than easy better than good. Thx for fast delivery with fedex. That thing Working nice I love it in the heavy rain.
Uygulaması aşırı kolay ve etkisi harika.